The online magazine of Pon Power, the Caterpillar dealer for diesel and gas engines and generators.
In this magazine we keep you up to date on the latest projects, new products & services and technical innovations.
Pon Power.
We take
care of it.
Patrick van Alem
Managing Director
In 1947, Geveke Motoren (today Pon Power) installed the first Cat engine in a towboat, thereby firmly focusing Caterpillar’s vision on the maritime industry. Many years later, and with thousands of engines installed by us since, our operations today cover many markets, from data-centers to farming machinery, from glasshouse growing to drilling platforms.
Times have changed, not only for the markets in which we operate, but also in the way we do business. In addition to having to comply with ever stricter regulatory and emission requirements, modern industries are increasingly aware of the necessity to find sustainable, economic solutions. At Pon Power, we are committed to innovation and new technologies, explored and developed in close cooperation with our customers. Therefore we can offer you the best solutions, now and in the future.
It is our pleasure to keep you updated on the
various solutions that are available today,
and to contribute to meeting your energy
needs and wants. We are always available
for advice on the best possible solution for
your business, responding to your market
and individual needs.