The online magazine of Pon Power, the Caterpillar dealer for diesel and gas engines and generators.
In this magazine we keep you up to date on the latest projects, new products & services and technical innovations.
Caterpillar operates a worldwide dealer network with officially appointed dealers in each country. Pon Power is authorized to deliver Caterpillar engines and generator sets, and to service the equipment for its users in the Netherlands. Authorized Marine Dealers (AMDs) work closely with Pon Power so as to provide the best service to customers in the maritime sector.
Because Dolderman have sold thousands of Cat engines to the European inland shipping trade over the past 60 years, they have a good picture of the older engine types. But seeing one old-timer doesn’t mean you’ve seen them all. Bram van Loon: “The D8800 that was installed in the tugboat ‘Janus’ is special to us, given our warm relationship with Ad.” And, adds he, with astute business sense and a wink: “Of course, if Ad does need to replace the engine, there’s a good chance he’ll stay with Cat...”
As far as Ad Schroot is concerned, Van Loon may have to be a little patient: “This engine’s had a good life, and it’s still doing the job. I don’t see it giving up the ghost any time soon!”
The tugboat 'Janus', owned by Ad Schroot, was built in the Netherlands in 1947 and still has the original Cat D8800 ships engine.
You don’t have to convince Ad of the reliability of Cat engines. The barges of his employer, Danser, are all powered by Cat marine engines. For installation and service, Ad Schroot works closely with Dolderman, Caterpillar’s Authorized Marine dealer in the Netherlands. So it stands to reason that when Ad decided he might buy himself a small tugboat for leisure purposes, he was already decided on its power source. “No Cat, no deal.”
In 2003, Ad chanced upon a tugboat with a long history. The vessel ‘Bejo’ was built in 1947 at the shipyard of Damen bros. In the ensuing 56 years it had six different owners, always retaining the original Cat engine. Simply, because it was never necessary to replace the engine. The 76 horse power D8800 just purred on, happily as ever!
Ad bought the tugboat and renamed it ‘Janus’, after his grandfather. Twelve years have since passed, with Ad continuing to enjoy navigating his ‘Janus’ during weekends and holidays. Since becoming its new owner, Ad has done a good deal of renovation work on his ship, but apart from some preventative maintenance, the engine has never needed any attention.
Based on our experience of this engine model, that doesn’t really surprise us’, explains Bram van Loon, Ad’s contact at Dolderman (Authorized Caterpillar Marine Dealer). “The D8800 is as solid as they come. We check and adjust the valve tolerances once a year, we test the fuel injectors every four years, and we change the lube oil and filters once a year. That’s all.”
Ad Schroot has ‘a warm place in his heart’ for Cat. And it’s not difficult to see why. Cats are the driving force behind ‘his’ ships (Schroot is the Technical Manager for Danser, a container shipping company that uses Cat engines only), but even Ad’s own pleasure craft is fitted with a Cat that’s still happily chugging
away, after nearly 70 years!